Analysis of the AIR Equation Happiness Survey data from October 2007 is complete. I want to thank all of the people who participated in our survey and contributed to the ongoing study of happiness; your personal results were emailed to you this week. If anyone wants to take the survey and find out how they compare to the averages, click here.
There are not enough surveys yet to make statistically-significant comparisons between certain demographic groups (marital status, age, etc.). When we reach that point, we will report on it so stay tuned...and take a survey while you’re at it.
Generally speaking, people have room for improvement in the happiness department. On a 7-point scale where 7 equals “excellent,” overall happiness averaged only 4.7. And that’s adjusted for the
HAPPINESS = 50% Acceptance + 28% Inspiration + 22% Respect
Surely the pursuit of happiness has eluded many a soul. However, this low score may be due to the mix of people who have taken the survey so far. As more people participate, the diversity of results will give us more precise data. Results through October 2007 can be found at this link.
Of the various figures in our lives, best friends were the highest rated. What catapulted them to the top? Acceptance and respect. We need to better prioritize our time with them since they are leading sources of joy. Based on survey results, best friends rank next to last in the amount of time spent with them.
Although on the surface our spouses and love interests rate high, they rank last after adjusting for the
This finding reminds me of the movie “Pursuit of Happyness” where the wife was a constant wet blanket for the hustling husband. And what about the quote Jesus left us: "A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, and among his own relatives, and in his own house." If you are in this situation, accept it as human nature and keep working hard on your dreams.
According to survey results, we spend the most time with our love interests. Divorces have climbed year after year since no-fault divorces were first allowed in the late 1960s. Applying
Our kin rank middle of the road as a source of happiness, chiefly due to lack of inspiration we receive from them. This harks back to the discussion above about love interests. I have sometimes wondered if humans are programmed this way on purpose, the whole “prophet is not without honor” nature. Without it, how many more people would be content to stay at home, never to fly the coup and spread their wings and push themselves to put a stamp on the world?

It all adds up.
thanks for putting things in perspective
Great survey! Let me know when the new results are posted!
Now how do you make friends?
I can't take the downing from people sometimes. what an eye opener to see its not just me. My family can be the worse ones, but I still love them :)
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