"Very interesting."
- fan from Georgia
"Good survey"
- fan from South Carolina
"You should put this on facebook"
- fan from Nevada
- fan from the Philippines
"Good formula"
- fan from Kansas
"Very interseting. Can't wait to see results"
- fan from Tennessee
"This is cool."
- fan from Indiana
"good questions"
- fan from Minnesota
"Thanks... I'm interested to view the results."
- fan from Kansas
"i think its nice to have this"
- fan from New York
“Thanks... I'm interested to view the results. “
- fan from Kansas
“This was great. Thanks for creating it.”
- fan from Washington
“Good questions.”
- fan from Colorado
“It was a good survey, great questions.”
- fan from Pennsylvania
“Wonderful. I'm looking forward to the results!”
- fan from Maryland
- fan from Tenneesee
“keep up the good work”
- fan from Jakarta, Indonesia
“so far so good, I'm waiting for the results to assess the value”
- fan from Alabama
“I think the AIR concept an intriguing concept. I would like to learn more about it and how to share it with my negative thinking coleagues.”
- fan from Illinois
“Great survey”
- fan from California
“Make sense”
- fan from Washington
“Just idea providing this survey to the public to help them learn more about themselves and promote personal growth”
- fan from Queensland, Australia
TESTIMONIALS about the AIR Equation